Thursday, February 17, 2011

Etsy Shop Update

I'm slowly making some changes with my vintage clothing shop on Etsy. I created a new, simple banner for my shop yesterday and have finally been using my new lighter grey backdrop for my pictures. I really like the light grey vs. the white and the darker grey. My other idea that I go back and forth on are my pictures. I am still planning to use the mannequin but, I can't decide if my thumbnail photo should be split in two or only show one.

I am also going to be changing the style I do my descriptions, just slightly. I am trying to make my shop as clean and simple as possible. My mannequin is pink and that is already more busy and bright than I really want so I am attempting to tone down everything else until the day I find a neutral mannequin.

Lastly, after I post all of my new items I am going to go back through all of my old items and redo the photos. Some of them are in need of some serious help!

Here are a few of the freshly listed dresses and I have 20 plus more to go from Sunday's flea market. To see my shop click here, Little Orphan Fannie.

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I love these, the second one in particular!

    Thanks a lot for the congrats on our wedding ;).

    Have a great week!

